Love is a really good thing. In fact, it’s the best. Because true love, God’s love, is actually the summation of Truth, Wisdom, Purity, and all else that can be considered the personification of God. To walk the Path of love is the fulfillment of God’s moral law (Rom. 13:8-10), for love is God’s character and essence. (1 John 4:16) Therefore if we are in union with God through Christ, we will live in Love. (v. 8,16) As we live through Him (v. 9), His own love will live out through us. (v. 11,12) We will not only love God, but we will also love our Christian brethren (v. 21), our neighbors (Gal. 5:14), and our fellowman (Rom. 13:8), all as we would love ourselves. (v. 9,10) We will fervently, and sacrificially, love God and others (Mark 12:29-31 // 1 John 3:16), not with hollow words, but with actions (1 John 3:18), and always in truth. (same verse)

Anyone who claims to know God, claims to follow Christ, claims to believe God’s Word, claims to walk in the Light, claims to be in the Truth, and/or claims to have been reconciled with God through Christ so that he is on the Path of Eternal Life, must have a life that proves this by loving others as Christ would. If a man does not love this way, his claims mean nothing and he amounts to nothing. (1 Cor. 13:2) No matter what other accomplishments he is recognized for, he actually has gained nothing. (v. 3) He still walks in the darkness, the realm of hate (1 John 2:9), the realm of fear, darkness, evil, and eternal death. (3:12-15) This man fears and hates “because his own actions are evil and his brother’s are righteous.” (See v. 12)

When a person fears, he is fearing punishment (1 John 4:18), and this feeling, which produces anger and guilt, suffocates love. Therefore he spirals down into deeper and deeper hate. This is exhibited as he lives a lifestyle of sin, including one that vacillates between aggression, timidity, anger, hostility, arrogance, a sense of entitlement, inferiority, fear, shame, despair, and a loathing for both himself and others. He lives like this because he walks in the darkness, the darkness has blinded him, and so he continues to stumble. (2:9-11) He cannot see, understand, or choose what is right, righteous, or fair. He cannot abide by even the simplest rules of common etiquette, he cannot comprehend how reprobate he appears to God and decent people, and he cannot see the horrible end he careens toward.

However, the wonderful thing about love, perfect love, God’s love, is that it “drives out fear” (1 John 4:18), and thus all else that is of the evil realm. “There is no fear in love.” (Same verse) The man who loves, who lives in love, who has been “made perfect in love” (same verse), is surrounded with the Light who is God (1:5) “and there is nothing in him to make him stumble.” (2:10) This man lives in God, and God in him, and therefore has nothing to fear. He does not fear God’s day of judgement (4:17), nor does he fear his deeds being exposed to the Light (John 3:20), nor does he fear death, the evil realm, men, or God’s evaluation of him. (2 Tim. 1:7 // Heb. 2:14,15 & 11:27 // 1 John 2:28 & 5:4,18) He is alert to danger and temptation, knowing he could fall prey if he does not “keep his life hidden in Christ” (John 15:1-10 // Col. 3:3), but as long as he knows he is solidly there in God, this man’s Love has driven out all his fear. In fact, it is his Love that compels him to stand up for truth, to work to expose lies, to resist oppressors, to combat the spread of corruption, and to keep proclaiming the Way of Escape, even to his persecutors.

God’s Word is repeatedly telling us not to fear, and when we learn to walk in love, as Scripture also repeatedly admonishes us to do, our perfected love will drive out fear. It is attainable or God would not command it of us. We learn to love through Him, by nourishing ourselves daily with His Spirit and His Word, and by putting His commands into practice. Then we will walk in love, the Path of love, and we will learn how to love –to love with perfect love, His love. This will drive out fear.  Then all else that is of the dark realm, including blindness, foolishness, and hatred, will also be driven out.

Love is definitely a good thing. The most excellent way. (1 Cor. 12:31b) The only way. (John 14:6)

with love,

Pr. 3:3 admonishes us, “Do not let loyal covenant love and faithfulness leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” In other words, we are not only to conduct ourselves according to God’s laws, performing the duties He gives us, but we are to have God’s teachings so engraved upon our hearts and minds that they are our very nature. God’s nature becomes our nature (1 John 3:9) and we therefore walk in conformity to Christ. (Rom. 8:29) We have Christ’s Spirit in us and so we not only live just as Jesus did (1 John 2:6), but it is Him living His life through us. (Gal. 2:20) “Then” as Pr. 3:4 promises, “you will attain favor and an honorable reputation in the sight of God and man.”

Many people are striving to be favored and honored by men. Others seek God’s favor, but they do so through the ways their “Christian” culture advises so that soon they, as well, are really just seeking men’s approval. What happens, though, when men seek to be esteemed by men is that corruption oozes into the heart. And once that happens, there is little the corrupted man won’t stoop to do. Intoxicated by the feeling of acclaim and admiration he gets, he comes to need recognition and honor more and more so that he tries to orchestrate events, and control others, as ways to satisfy his insatiable appetite.

We are never to seek men’s approval. We are to seek God’s. Then we will be approved and honored by those people who want God’s ways upheld. Those who work evil will often just hate us. But this should not be of concern to us, for God Himself will deal with them.

What is it that brings favor and an honorable reputation before God and man? It is to hold dear God’s ways. His ways are faithful, loyal, loving, and pure. He commands that we live by the same –by this covenant love. Therefore we are to bind it around our neck so that we belong to it, so that we remain bound to it, and so that wandering off in unfaithfulness is not an option. Furthermore, if we write God’s covenant laws upon the tablet of our heart, then we’ve written them in that place of love and we will love them.

Pr. 3:1 admonishes about this very thing: “My son, do not forget My teaching, but let your heart keep My commandments.” If the heart is in covenant love with God, the heart itself will obey God’s commands, and the person’s lifestyle will follow accordingly. This will bring prosperity and a long life. (v. 2) Chapter two exhorts along the same lines, beginning with, “My son, if you accept My words, and store up My commands within you…” (2:1) and then goes on to promise wisdom, discretion, and protection. Ps. 119:11-16 can be seen as the grateful response, beginning with, “In my heart I store up Your words, so that I might not sin against You. Praise be to You, O LORD…”

If a man does sin against God, he has not been faithful and loyal to his covenant love with God. He has been unfaithful, meaning he has acted treacherously. He has broken his word and his pledge, he has acted deceitfully, and he has violated others’ rights by violating the covenant of love and loyalty. Such a man will have no end of disaster and distress (Pr. 1:10-33), if not outwardly, certainly within his own soul, and in the end, he will “be filled with the fruit of his schemes.” (See v. 31) “For the waywardness of the simpletons will kill them, and the smug self-sufficiency of fools will destroy them.” (v. 32)

But, whoever applies his heart to Wisdom will come to understand God. And by holding tightly to Him and His Instructions, that man will inherit the favor an honorable name brings, both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of men.

with love,

A man went to a doctor because he was having some bothersome symptoms. After some discussion and running a few simple tests, the doctor told his patient that he did definitely have a disease and must immediately quit his unhealthy diet and lifestyle. The doctor also gave him specific instructions about how to reduce the pain, problems, and risk of early death, and on how to actually cure the disease.

How did the patient react to this information? How did he respond? Was he agreeable? Was he grateful to the doctor for telling him the truth? Did the patient follow through on the advice, or did he say he would, yet apathetically did not? Did he get angry and try to retaliate against the doctor any way he could? Did he disbelieve the information, ignore the remedy, and even laugh about it with his friends? Was he skeptical and so moved on to trying to find another doctor, and another and another, who would tell him “pleasant things” (Isa. 30:10) instead? Or, did the patient believe the doctor’s words, promise to take his advice, do so, and get cured?

The answers to these questions hinges on one main thing: The patient’s wisdom. How wise the patient is determines how that patient will respond to the serious information about his health and well-being, and his wisdom will determine whether or not he is healed.

The same holds true about a person’s spiritual health, his earthly well-being, and his eternal fate. If he accepts the Truth about the disease he has, believes in the Cure and acts accordingly, he is wise. But if he mocks the Cure, either through his words or through his negligence in heeding it, then God’s Word deems that man a fool. In fact, that man, through his anger at hearing rebuke, will often try to insult and persecute those who have stated with honesty the truth of his situation.

Pr. 9:7-9 says, “Whoever corrects a mocker brings on insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.”

Wisdom is revealed in the diseased man by his response to Truth, to exhortation, to rebuke. Indeed, Scripture tells God’s ambassadors to correct and rebuke (2 Tim. 4:2 // Titus 2:15) –gently (2 Tim. 2:25), and in love (Eph. 4:15), but if necessary, then sharply. (Titus 1:13) A wise man will listen, open his eyes, and repent, and he will appreciate, even love, the person who has helped him wake up to his plight. But a wicked man will do the opposite: He will strive, with great hostility, to make the Truth-teller his enemy.

Therefore, we, along with Paul, ask, “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Gal. 4:16)

The wise man will answer, “Certainly not. Please help me. And please instruct me some more.”

with love,

God’s Word repeatedly exhorts us to turn from idols to the true and living God. For as Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) The heart, which glances at, or hears of, a particular treasure, and then lets itself become enticed by it, follows that treasure, even like one “being led to the slaughter.” (Pr. 7:22) For if not quickly recognized and repented of, the treasure becomes an idol, powerful and cruel, and the heart has become entombed.

If a person hears about the Gospel, yet hardens his heart to it and does not repent, that person has chosen to remain imprisoned in the evil realm, and his leader and father remains the devil. (John 8:44 // 1 John 3:8 & 5:19) Why would anyone want this? Why would anyone not want to be saved from such a loathsome and cruel king? Our loving Creator, through Christ Jesus, has given the world His Spirit –He who brings conviction of guilt to the world’s inhabitants in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement. (John 16:8) The Beautiful News proclaims that “because the prince of this world now stands condemned” (v. 11), anyone who believes is set free. (Rom. 7:23-25 // Gal. 5:1 // Col. 1:13,14) Why would anyone not want to be set free? For in this freedom, we are released from all sin, all idols, and all that is evil.

But, sadly, many do not want to be set free. Not from sin, idols, or evil. Instead they love to wallow in these things, and actually have an insatiable craving to carry out the devil’s desires. (John 8:44) Surely “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.” (2 Cor. 4:4) Indeed they have lost their good sense (1 Cor. 15:34 // 2 Tim. 2:26a) and are prisoners of sin (Gal. 3:22) and “of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will.” (2 Tim. 2:26b) For “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19) and there is no other salvation except in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12) and in entering into union with Him through faith and the pledge of holiness. (John 3:3-8 // 1 Peter 3:21)

What happens to people when they refuse to heed the Truth and turn from wickedness? They begin to lose their discernment. (Eph. 4:17,18) Thus they continue their slide away from God (v. 18), becoming more undiscerning so that, as punishment to them, God Himself brings them a powerful delusion so that they will become entrenched in the devil’s Lie. (2 Thes. 2:10-12) Because they suppress the Truth by their wickedness (Rom. 1:18), God pours out His wrath on them and banishes them to eternal punishment. (same verse // Matt. 25:46 // Col. 3:5,6)

But it’s so unnecessary. For there is the Glorious Freedom which has been made available to everyone. And because God is compassionate and doesn’t want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9), He remains patient (same verse), sending to sinners His ambassadors, filled with His own Spirit, who will proclaim the Truth to them again, and who will plead with Him to intervene with His mercy and keep them from perishing in their rebellion. (Pr. 24:11,12 // Isa. 49:8,9 // 2 Cor. 5:18-20)

However, if they refuse to repent, they will not be forced to reconcile with God. He will go to great lengths to persuade them, but the choice remains theirs.

with love,

Our food, our spiritual food, is not only Christ Himself, but it is to do the will of the Lord. It is to be (to live / to abide) in the will of the Lord. It is to be accomplishing the work God has given us to do and to remain faithful in it. Whatever assignments our Owner has given us, we are to do them in perfect obedience, even to the smallest detail, and we are to continue in these assignments until they are finished. This is our food, just as it was for Jesus when He walked this earth bodily.

In John 4:34 we read, “‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.'” Since we are to conduct ourselves just as Jesus did (1 John 2:6), our food is the same thing. It is to do the will of Christ –who sends us just as the Father sent Him (John 20:21)– and to finish His work.

Most “Christians” do not believe that it is necessary that we do, and walk in, the Lord’s will for us. Oh, it might be nice, they think, and it may bring blessings or greater Heavenly reward, but it is not a necessity, they say, for inheriting eternal life. However, the Word of God says that it is a necessity –such as in Matt. 7:21, Mark 3:35, Luke 6:46-49, and 1 John 2:17.

We are told to examine and test ourselves to see if we are in the faith. (2 Cor. 13:5) To “stand the test” (2:9) is to “be obedient in everything.” (same verse) To be obedient in everything means to meditate on God’s Word under the Spirit’s tutelage (John 6:63), and to put the Word into practice (1 Tim. 4:11-16), doing so by a continual submission to the Spirit’s control. (Rom. 8:9,14) Then, no matter what we do, say, or think, it will be in the name of the Lord, meaning in the will and authority of Christ. (Col. 3:16,17) This is our food. This is our life source. And it comes from abiding –pulling nutrients out so as to produce fruit– just as a branch does from the Vine. (John 15:1-8) And it is a necessity. (v. 6)

with love,

I happened to call the blueberry farm yesterday morning to inquire about their crop, for we enjoy picking blueberries there every summer. I was shocked and greatly saddened to hear that one of the workers who I asked about had died of a sudden heart attack. After getting off the phone, I wept and wept, actually surprising myself at my great grief.

About five summers ago, and visiting the farm about three times that year, I witnessed quite a bit to this particular worker. He was kind of a jokester, but he did listen and he did tell me that he believed the Bible, though it was obvious his was one of those flippant and half-hearted beliefs. The following two summers when we went there I encouraged him again to be reading the Word and to be seeking God, but he seemed a bit less interested than that first year I’d met him, so I tried not to come on too strong.

Last summer I brought up the Lord again, and after his response I remember thinking something like, “Rachel, he’s not interested, so just drop it and be friendly with some other conversation.” But I also had had the thought, “If he dies in this attitude he has, he is not going to be going to Heaven.” However, since I thought I’d have more time to pray for his soul (which I did quite a bit), as well as time to witness to him again, I didn’t say much more about the Lord then. So, I guess in my weeping yesterday, it wasn’t as much the sadness that this guy had died, but that I was feeling grief over his soul, as well as that I had not tried harder to turn him to the Lord (though my exhortations to him, I remember, had almost been pleas).

Was there anything more I could’ve done with someone who wouldn’t take my admonishments seriously and kept making jokes instead? There really wasn’t, at least not without being rude, except I certainly could’ve prayed more, and I so much wish I had.

Where is this acquaintance of mine now? Where is his soul? His soul is in eternity, that dimension that is outside of the time dimension. His soul is where there is no longer time to “repent, reconcile with God [by way of Christ Jesus], and prove one’s repentance by one’s deeds.” (See Acts 26:20) For “it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the Judgement.” (Heb. 9:27)

May we all witness to everyone as boldly as we can. And when that is no longer possible, may we pray fervently on behalf of unsaved souls, and even fast and weep before the Lord for them. And may we do so before their fate is sealed in eternity.

with love,

In Mal. 3:17 we read, “‘They will be Mine,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘My treasured possession, in the day when I act.”

For those whom the Lord calls His treasured possession –what a privileged position! To be called such affectionate names / titles by the Most High is glory for sure. And certainly comfort, security, happiness, and joy. It would seem that all of us would strive to achieve this status. It would seem that all of us would spend our days seeking to learn how best to attain such esteem.

Yet how many people do actually live their daily lives with this honor as their goal? How many people place importance on having God call them His? –His treasured possession? How many people, after years of having claimed to be “be saved”, can reflect back on their lives and know that God has been pleased with them, has delighted in them, and has been in intimate, unhindered relationship with them? And how many people can feel confident that God treasures them, and know, from His Word, why He does?

It would be wise for those who consider themselves belonging to God to consider whether or not they are, at present, a real treasure to God. Because if not, the status of being called “My treasured possession” could hardly be the Lord’s description of them, which would have to mean that truly belonging to God would also have to be seriously questioned.

Most in Christendom would have no fears about claiming that they were secure in the knowledge of being God’s treasured possession. If we ask them why they feel this way, they would answer something about having “accepted Jesus” as their Savior. And they may reason on about how much God loves people.

Let’s look, though, at the immediate context surrounding Mal. 3:17, for what it reveals is what all of God’s Word reveals: That God esteems as His own treasured possession those who…. –who what? The answer is –those who serve Him, obey Him, and revere His name. (3:13-4:4) And that these are they who have been washed, refined, and purified, and who bring Him offerings in righteousness. (3:3,4) We know that under the New Covenant these offerings are those of praise and worship, and Christ-like acts done in obedience, love, and holiness. (John 14:15 // Rom. 6:18,22 & 12:1,2 // Heb. 12:14 & 13:15,16 // 1 Peter 2:9 // Rev. 1:5,6)

God continues in Mal. 3:17: “I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.” Spared from what? Spared from the fire reserved for every evildoer. (4:1) There it is, as always: “Doer.” Scripture is continually making a distinction about deeds: Deeds done that are evil and disobedient to God, and deeds done that are righteous and obedient to God. Jesus confirms this very clearly in John 5:29 when He says, “Those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” Or when Eph. 5:3-6 and Col. 3:5-10 both inform us that not even a hint of impurity, or sin of any kind, is tolerated by God.

The Lord continues in Mal. 3:18: “And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.” The word “serve” means: to attend to, to obey, to assist, to work for, to be employed by, to help… Do we understand the comparison then? It should be obvious: The righteous are those who are God’s obedient employees (slaves, actually –Rom. 6:22), while the wicked are those who do not work for Him.

It is about being employed –which means work– and engaging in it according to the standards set. Righteousness is about conduct. Wickedness also is about conduct. Therefore, being saved from the fire of God’s wrath is not about claiming to believe and to follow Christ. It is, instead, about what we do. It is about what works, actions, and attitudes a person does, has, and exhibits. It is about lives and lifestyles that comply with the requirements of the King. It is about having pure consciences and holy behavior just as God’s moral laws have always demanded.

That is the Gospel. And we are able to rise to the Lord’s instructions daily by the power of the Spirit in us. But rising to it IS most definitely required, and walking in it is the only path of salvation. (Rom. 8:13,14 // 1 John 2:6) As Jesus says, “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” (Matt. 19:17)

Sadly, most of Christendom insists that to “serve in the new way of the Spirit” (Rom. 7:6) does not include the necessity for obedience and the necessity for conducting oneself in purity and holiness. No matter how many verses we point out.

So, in the day when God acts, who, really, will be given the title by God, “Mine. My treasured possession.” –?

with love,

“Woe to those who make unjust policies and who write out unfair regulations, to keep the poor from getting fair treatment, and to deprive justice to the oppressed among My people, so they can steal what widows own, and loot what belongs to orphans. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for help? Where will you leave your riches? You will have no place to go, except to cringe with the prisoners, or fall among those who have been slain. Despite all this, God’s anger does not subside, and His hand is ready to strike again.” (See Isa. 10:1-4)

“For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Bring an assembly against them and subject them to terror and plunder. The mob will pelt them with stones… I will put an end to the obscene conduct in the land so that all people may take warning and not imitate you. You will suffer the penalty for your lewdness and bear the consequences of your sins of idolatry. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD.” (See Ezek. 23:46-49)

“Now your impurity is lewdness. Because I tried to cleanse you but you would not be cleansed from your filth, you will not be clean again until My wrath against you has subsided. I the LORD have spoken. The time has come for Me to act. I will not hold back, or show pity, or relent. You will be judged according to your conduct and your deeds, declares the Sovereign LORD.” (See Ezek. 24:13,14)

“Who is this that rises like the Nile, like rivers turbulent at flood stage? Egypt [The Tower of Oppression] rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters. The Tower says, ‘I will arise and cover the earth. I will destroy cities and the people who inhabit them.’ Go ahead, then, and charge into battle, you horsemen! …But that day belongs to the Lord Yahweh of armies –a day of vengeance, for vengeance on His foes.” (See Jer. 46:7-10) “Therefore those trying to escape will stand helpless, for a fire has gone out to burn the foreheads of the war-loving braggarts.” (See 48:45)

“Look, the Lord, the LORD who commands armies, will lop off the boughs with terrifying power. The most exalted of the trees will be felled, the loftiest ones will be brought low. He will chop down the forest thickets with an ax, and Lebanon [The Prideful Ones] will fall.” (See Isa. 10:33,34)

“‘Even if Babylon [The City of Evil] climbs high into the sky and fortifies her elevated stronghold, I will send destroyers against her,’ declares the LORD… Cries of anguish will be heard… Her warriors will be captured… ‘So Babylon will sink to rise no more because of the desolation I am ready to bring upon her. And so her people will fall.'” (See Jer. 51:53-64) “The officers will be drowned… They will sink to the depths like a stone.” (See Ex. 15:4,5) “‘For I will pour out My wrath on them like a flood of water,’ declares the LORD.” (See Ho. 5:10)

The Lord is bringing horror and devastation to all who have continued in their tyranny, their lewdness, their deceit, and their pride.

with love,

Prayer… It can move mountains. (Matt. 21:21,22) Mountains of grief, pain, disease, loneliness, strife, confusion, estrangement, anger, distress, chaos, fear, timidity, rebellion, sin, and filth. Real faith-filled prayer to God, through Jesus, and by the Spirit, is better than a hundred bull-dozers or sticks of dynamite. Why then are people not engaging in more prayer? And when they do, why are they not seeing results?

I’d venture to say that “Christians” aren’t doing much real praying precisely because they aren’t seeing results of prayer. This, however, they don’t see because 1) they are not pure enough to care enough about those things which need to be prayed about, and 2) they don’t pray correctly.

If we would meditate on the many prayers prayed in God’s Word and meditate on the accounts surrounding those whose prayers are recorded, and how God answered, we would learn a lot about prayer. So it is God’s Word which is the answer to our questions about prayer.

God’s Word reveals that the Lord answers the prayers of those who walk blameless and who delight in revering His name (Neh. 1:11 // Ps. 34:17 & 84:11 & 91:14-16 & 145:19), and that for those who delight themselves in Him, He grants them their desires. (Ps. 37:4) It reveals that we must pray confidently, with earnest and patient perseverance, and while living righteously. (Heb. 11:1,6 // Ja. 1:6 & 5:7-18) It reveals that those who “make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him” (2 Peter 3:14) –which is done by eating His Word and obeying it (John 6:26-63 & 15:1-17)– do become filled with the Spirit (Acts 5:32 // Eph. 5:15-21), do pray in accordance with God’s will by the Spirit (Rom. 8:26,27), and do then walk in joy, victory, and the will of the Lord. (Same above verses // Rom. 12:1,2 // 1 John 3:24 & 5:3-5)

Jesus says, “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” (John 6:27) The Son of Man is Jesus, and He is the Bread that produces eternal life in us (v. 33,48) as we eat and drink Him who is the Word. (v. 54 & 1:14) Then when people ask, as they did in John 6:28, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”, we quote Jesus’ words in verse 29, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”

Here is where many “Christians” say, “I do believe in Jesus, but I still don’t get my prayers answered.” No. They do not believe in Jesus. They believe only in part, at best. (Even the demons believe. –Mark 1:24 & James 2:19) They prove they do not believe in Him because they do not believe (trust and heed) His words. If they did truly believe, they would not be sinning. (1 John 3:5-10) They would not be apathetic about the consequences of sin. (Jer. 2:25) They would realize that by sinning they are insulting the Spirit of grace and are thus heading straight for eternal punishment. (Heb. 10:26-31)

If these “believers” truly believed in Jesus, they would be delighting themselves in Him and seeking more of Him in His Word. They would be exuberant about eating the Word of God daily. They would be fearing God, weeping over their sins, renouncing their sins, and would be daily putting Christ’s words to practice, growing in ever-increasingly-strong faith, mature conduct, and self-disciplined thoughts, words, and lifestyles. But what do we have in Christendom, in general? –Quite the opposite.

How is a person to pray? He is to first of all get right with God. He is to submit to being washed (cleansed and purified), and he is to remain in this clean state by eating Christ, the Word, and doing what it/He says. When a person does this, then that person becomes filled with the Spirit and he will be obeying the Spirit (Rom. 8:9,14) –including whatever the Spirit leads him to pray. This is not automatic, though. We ourselves must choose to open our mouths –to pray, praise, worship, preach, speak, write, or battle –battle doubt, lies, sin, and other evils. All this we do by:

1. Taking our thoughts captive to obey Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)

2. Focusing on His goodness and His power to answer and accomplish His will through our willingness (Matt. 6:9-15)

3. Meditating on God’s Word, listening to Him speak through it, and then quoting His Word’s promises and Truths back to Him with grateful praise and with faith that is courageous, confident, and victorious (Ps. 119:169-175 // 2 Cor. 10:3-5 // Eph. 6:10-20 // Heb. 4:12)

4. Opening our mouths so that He can fill our words with His Spirit’s praises, petitions, and messages. (Ps. 81:10 // Isa. 51:16 & 65:19,24 // Matt. 10:19,20 // Eph. 6:18-20 // 1 John 5:14,15 // Jude 1:20)

God’s eyes still scan the earth, looking for repentant hearts that are willing to be made spotless and strong in faith and character. (2 Chron. 16:9) This He desires so that He can send forth His Word through their mouths (Isa. 6:5-8 // Mark 7:14-23) and accomplish His goals / His purposes / His will. (Isa. 55:11) This partnership is God’s Covenant with those who repent of their sins. (59:20) As verse 21 says, “‘As for Me, this is My covenant with them,’ says the LORD. ‘My Spirit, who is on you, and My words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,’ says the LORD.”

God not only invites all redeemed people to walk in this privilege –the privilege of accomplishing His purposes by proclaiming and praying His Word– but He is actively looking for such people –people whose faith is strong enough to act upon what they say they believe. We have a whole Bible to help us do this very thing. But in order to be quoting God’s Word by the Spirit’s leading and in His power, we must be filled with the Spirit who is hidden in the words (Luke 8:10,11 // John 6:63) and we must have faith in the words. This comes from nothing else, but from eating Him who is the Word of God.

with love,

Pilgrimage To Salvation

June 21, 2013

A representative account of many saints’ pilgrimages:

The Lord asked, “Who will go for us?” I said, “I will.” So God sent me and I went, but I did not know where I was going. The path opened up before me only one step at a time. In fact, much of the time I couldn’t see at all. I could only hear the Spirit’s voice saying, “Walk here.” Terror wanted to engulf me. Often. But through God’s Word I learned how to resist it, even defeat it, and soon I was walking in constant tranquility and joyful expectation.

Each day surprises of delight were given to me. Each day my food and water were supplied. Most days I was privileged to see another mountain crumble as I advanced, those enemy mountains, those mountains that rose up to hinder the progress and my advancement into God’s will, into God’s ministries, and into the conformity of Christ, in which I still am growing.

God was near. God listened to me. Because I listened to Him. He rewarded me. He also disciplined me. I begged to become blameless so that I wouldn’t have to endure His righteous rebukes of indignation. I worked hard to please Him because I dearly loved Him, and always will. I worked by His Spirit in me. Because He is so compassionate, He Himself was my Teacher. His exhortations are now exceedingly gentle. Because He knows my heart is wholly His. He’s my Father, my Shepherd, my Friend. And though He’s the King of kings, the Eternal God, I, even I, am His servant, His child, and His friend. Joy unspeakable rises within me from the knowledge of this.

Did I have to renounce all? Yes. All sin and all Isaacs. All that I loved. All that threatened to remain as idols. All that threatened to pull my heart to other treasures. Treasures of the world. Treasures that would bring only shame and despair in the end. I gave them up steadily, one by one. My heart was torn each time. But the Healing Balm came in to soothe, to comfort, to give hope. Some Isaacs God returned to me. Better, brighter, and no longer an idol to me. Others He replaced. Others were just as well left slain.

Later, much later, the Lord showed me how far I’d come. I noticed one place –a very high and narrow path with sheer cliffs on both sides, and jagged rocks below; and I realized that the time I’d walked there, I’d not been able to see a thing. I realized that God had enveloped me in dense fog precisely because of His mercy. Because the potential danger would have been too frightening, too immobilizing.

Now where am I? It doesn’t matter where in the world, where in my life. For I have found the secret of contentment. It is Him. It is being in Him, surrounded by Him, and filled with His Spirit. This is called privilege, union, happiness, and relationship. In short, it’s called Salvation.

with love,